Brain, an Important part of Human Body which provides confidence

If there would be one thing that medical science would consider for research. That would be
none other than brain. As it is most interesting part of human body. But beyond all these reasons
there are yet many facts unexplored about brain. Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Medulla and heavy
abundance of Neuron that makes one most intellectually powerful part of human body and that
is Brain. Neuron is a special cell in the human body that communicates nerve impulse. All these
Neuron communicates with medium of electric signals within. Once we face an incidence, may
be at that point of time we are not so prepared to encounter that move. But somewhere within the
brain it is already hardwired that how to react to that specific action. Such reactions are usually
not voluntary but they happen within a fractional part of a minute.

Long back I read somewhere that never put mind in your heart and heart in your mind. The
biggest enigma of life is that we take decision of heart by mind and in turn decisions of mind are
made by heart. I can never dig earth with an axe when it requires a spade. Similarly I can never
cut down a tree with a spade. In simple terms it is nothing but using of wrong tool for right thing.
This is not all about physical things around but does affect the thought and the pattern thought
flows with in us. We take decision of mind with heart and vice-versa. Hence, we again find
ourselves at square one.

At such times it is always important to find a self help technique. First and the foremost lesson
being that you should trust that you are a good problem solver. Believing in self is the key.
Remember people all around you will only believe and trust your confidence if you show a full
belief in yourself. If your foes are reacting then feel happy because no one hits a dead stray dog.
Take decision with full confidence and responsibility. Do follow these simple thumb rules.
If decision is tough enough seek for the moment of silence.
At the moment you feel nervous try to sit straight.
Slow down breathing pattern it makes mind calm and thus helps in efficient decision
If you are taking too long to make a decision it does not mean you are procrastinating,
may be your time consuming decision is a stable solution in long run.
Do not take decision on an emotional ground.
Before making a decision think about its after effect.
Evaluate who is more important at the moment. The other who is going to be affected
by your decision or you.
If you do not get time to sit in silence while decision making. Go to a temple, mosque
or Church and rethink.
If you are an atheist listen to the silence inside you for a span of 15 to 20 minutes
especially half an hour before sleep. Then make a decision.
Before making decision trust yourself that you have full confidence in your decision
and you will never step back until it becomes a heavy question.

Remember solutions of all problem lies within us. We are just unaware of our real potentials.
We can make or break a thing as we react. If you are taking too long to decide then do not get
embarrassed. Think as long as you can but make a stable decision. May be 10 years down the
line you find yourself successful you may then recall this moment and pray to your inner self that
you were fortunate enough to be the part of this blessed moment.