Banglore: Subex Ltd, provider of IT services, announced that it has entered into partnership with a Palestine-based operator in wireless telecommunication service. The provider of IT services announced that it has entered into partnership with a Palestine-based operator in wireless telecommunication services. Subex’s ROC for Fraud Management incorporates fraud prevention in any telecom environment, including wireless and across all service types including postpaid, prepaid, value-added service (VAS), multimedia messaging service (MMS), M-Commerce, IPTV, and Triple/Quad Play.
The solution also provides flexible user enabled work flows that incorporate notifications and escalations to improve operational processes and productivity, monitor staff performance, and ensure compliance. The ROC for Revenue Assurance provides automated correction capabilities to improve bottom-line results and provide a quick return-on-investment. The solution is flexible and will support revenue assurance practices as the wireless provider expands and matures. Sudeesh Yezhuvath, chief operating officer of Subex Ltd said, “Subex is pleased to have been chosen once again to offer its ROC for Fraud Management and Revenue Assurance to help enhance our customer’s operational efficiency.”