Is it ethical for any computer expert to infiltrate into other person's websites and e mail accounts? Yes if it is a trustful 'hacker' who uses his ethics and software expertise to strengthen and making his employers websites or email accounts more secure from crackers, and No; if the computer wizard illegally gains access to someone's computer, website or e mail account for personal gains or deliberately damaging other persons reputation.
"An ethical hacker is the one who breaks the security of a website or a computer for the defensive purpose and also analyze whether the security is up to the mark or not." said Anup Girdhar, CEO, Sedulity Groups who provide ethical hacking course with the collaboration of various universities and trained more than 60,000 across the globe.
Hacking has become a career opertion for many others. Priyanka Tomar sensed the growing demand for hackers in the industry ans decide to purse PG Diploma in ethical hacking. “ Hacking was my hobby in college. I learned a lot about it and try to understand network & security Properly” said Priyanka, who even plan to do PhD in Ethical Hacking.
The Security Personals had to think with the view point of a hacker to understand the methods adopted by hacker to damage a particular website. Giving example he said many a times former or retired employees of a company who had access to the security system of websites of the company could break into their system for personal gains. "Ethical hackers are the answer to make websites hacker proof" he said. He said there was no approved ethical hacking course.
Most of the computer academies that underakes ethical hacking courses imparts half cooked information which could be grossly misused by any person" he said.