The Facebook fans will have a pleasant surprise in the coming days, as the the functionality of the famous socializing web site will be extended by including video calls support.
Meanwhile, the press received invitations to a Facebook launching event, which is scheduled for July 6. Without offering many details, the company’s officials said that the event is about a launching a product developed byFacebook’s division with the headquarters in Seattle. Coincidence or not, the company have hired some software engineers in order to work for the desktop platform, so we strongly believe that they are planning to launch a new app specially created for the Facebook users.
Still, the application might not be the main project of the developers team, some other rumors saying thatFacebook have signed a partnership with Skype and it seems that Zuckerberg’s company wants to add video call support to the interface of the famous network. If the rumors are true and the new video call application is developed on Skype platform, Facebook video chat should offer a quality level similar to the one of the standard client for Skype.
The partnership between Skype and Facebook promises benefits for both companies, and it reports show that the deal would be able to attract even more users for Skype, that now has 170 million active users. On the other hand, Facebook has not less than 750 million active users, which will soon become possible Skype users. The new partnership is a reason for celebration for Microsoft, too, as Gate’s company is in full process of buying Skype’s portfolio, so it may become the direct beneficiary of Skype’s contracts and “fruits.”
The inclusion of video and voice calls among Facebook’s communication options can be a new reasons for their users to stick with the social network, in a moment when the competition seems more threatening as ever, as Google itself prepared a direct attack with their Google+.