Cyber Times

Managing workplace Stress, An important part of every working professional

With the globalization of business there are other questions that come into play, especially those related to the changing technology, changing work culture, changing work cluster, high demands in job, changing life style and changing in mega environment consists of legal, political, economical, technical, socio-cultural component related to the business activities. The employees are human beings; normally they are ever changing, unpredictable and uncontrollable. Stress is a highly personalized phenomenon and can vary widely even in identical situations for different reasons.

User Identification, An important part of Information Security

Dear Readers, in this edition I am trying to give some information about ‘User Identification’ which are very important to know and I am sure that it will help you all, to understand its importance in Information Security domain. Information technologies and its resources are an integral part of any business/ organization, and to secure them is a strategic priority. According to the current IT security breaches scenario, information security breaches are considered to be the most threatening issues both for private and public sector organizations.

Hackers attack PCs using iTunes E-mail offer

Criminals are hacking into people's computers by sending a fake email which offers credit for iTunes music, games and video. Users are told they have been sent 50 dollar worth of iTunes store credit and need to open an attached ZIP file to find out their certificate code. According to the Eleven security blog, this attached file contains a Malware program known as Mal/ BredoZp-B which can allow hackers to gain access to the recipient's computer.

Govt. Websites on Hackers’ radar

India is unable to secure its official websites raising a question mark over claims by the government that it had mounted efforts to tame the growing threat of violation of its digital persona. According to the latest data there has been an alarming increase in cyber violations of official websites of Central and state governments over the last three years. The digital appearance of Indian government has come under severe pressure after 65 government websites were reported defaced in the month of September.

Prevention measures for Identity theft

With the rise in online and mobile shopping it's more important than ever for consumers to take precautions against identity theft. Here's a list of tips aimed at helping online shoppers to protect their identity, and avoid risky behaviors that could lead to ID theft.

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